What is a High Performing Leader?

Takeshi Yoshida
6 min readAug 5, 2022

At Agile Organization Development we regularly design and deliver High Performance Leadership Development Programmes for MNCs. The set up by the client is typically a few months to one year journey among a pool of mid to senior leaders designated as “HIPOs” (high potentials) and next generation executive leaders. Client side programme managers and stakeholders approach us with ambitious asks on programme contents with understandably high expectations. Consequently programme design is every time a laborious process involving heavy dialogue with the client.

One core question I always enjoy throwing to the client is the definition of “performance” in their organization, and what separates a performing and high performing leader. As you can imagine the discussion goes all over the place, but interestingly, I see some convergence in the final answer across different organizations. I’d like to share that common theme in this article.

Performing at the Operational and Aspirational Levels

After the dust settles from the flurry of descriptions of what defines “performance” in the client organization, I typically can separate the answers into…



Takeshi Yoshida

Chief Coach, Agile Organization Development (agile-od.com) — we are a tribe of change, transformation, innovation experts